Liz 2nd February 2023

My first memory of Peter was of this rather exotic and dashing army officer, driving up in a green sports car when he came to Milford Haven to visit. I must have been about four at the time. There were many such visits during childhood where Peter came to stay and regaled us with tales of far flung places and I wonder if that is what inspired the wanderlust in me. He shared his time with the family all over the world and as such brought us together and allowed us to make connections we might not otherwise have shared. Kind, generous and funny he was also extremely persuasive especially when it came to the kitchen. He perfected the art of persuading me to demonstrate various dishes to him but this invariably ended up with I’m just off to golf or I’m just off to the “pharmacy” and with his sweetest smile “What time will it be ready?”. Like others I fell for it every time. He supported so many of us in the family in very many different ways, whether a bed for the night on the way to the airport, an ally in decision-making, a purveyor of goodies when he travelled and most importantly someone we could depend on. He never forgot a birthday, he made us all feel special and in his own inimitable way looked after us when we needed it. Peter, we will miss you and are hugely grateful for everything you have done. Rest in Peace dear Uncle.