Peter and Carole Richardson 24th January 2023

We moved into King’s Yard 20 years ago and, of course, the first person who greeted us was Peter, anxious to know who we were and all our life story. In the ensuing time we came to love Peter, his foibles, stories and eccentricities. In the early days he invited us both to play golf with him at the Berkshire, an unforgettable experience. Never had we seen the game played at such speed, we now know how special forces feel yomping over Dartmoor at high speed! Despite this, and in sharp contrast to ourselves, Peter always came away with more golf balls than he started with, he had an unerring sense of where he might find balls, hence the hundreds which now adorn his garage and garden shed His love of gadgets was legendary, matched only by his aversion to reading the instructions, so I was frequently called upon to set up his latest purchase. Unfortunately the marketing of most of these items was much more effective than their actual performance but this never deterred Peter. King’s Yard was very important to Peter, he loved living there and he enhanced the lives of all his neighbours. He will be very sadly missed, we will not see his like again. Rest in Peace Peter and thanks for everything.